An American School District Is Forcing Children To Lie
What would be the reaction if an America school was punishing children who wouldn’t deny the Holocaust? Undoubtedly there would be immediate, firm and forceful condemnation from every sector and side of the political aisle, and justifiably so. Even if school was forcing children to conform to a less politically charged falsehood like “The sky is red,” there would be a major backlash.
These might seem like outlandish scenarios but in Fairfax Virginia, the school board of the Public Schools updated their rules to allow students to be suspended or expelled if they tell the truth.
Students who “maliciously misgender” other students will be forced out of school.
The Fairfax County Public Schools Students Rights and Responsibilities (SRR) handbook makes “malicious deadnaming” and “malicious misgendering” of classmates a Level 4 offense, which allows for a suspension up to five days “if frequency and intensity are present,” according to page 19 of the document.
“Using slurs based upon the actual or perceived gender identity” is forbidden under the rules of the document, “which includes, but is not limited to, malicious deadnaming or malicious misgendering.”
The document defines “deadnaming” as “when someone, intentionally or not, refers to a person who is transgender or gender-expansive by a name other than their own chosen name.”
These rules will affect children as young as kindergarten.
Now the words “malicious misgendering” makes it sound like the school is only intent on punishing bullying but intentionally using correct pronouns in reference biology is regarded as inherently “malicious” according to liberals.
The County rulebook defines misgendering as, “The act of labelling others with a gender that does not match their gender identity-deliberately or accidentally.”
The definition shows that the Fairfax County schools see two categories of misgendering, intentional and unintentional. The word “malicious” has been inserted to protect accidental “misgendering” not children who find it against their principles to affirm a lie.
No human can change their gender.
While some fish are able to change their DNA and actually change their sex, the phenomenon is completely absent in terrestrial vertebrates.
Sex changes among humans involve no change of DNA, they are an elaborate act, a fiction that everyone in society is supposed to engage in, a lie that no one can question.
If a child believed that the sky was red we wouldn’t get the child red tinted glasses and demand that everyone around pretend that the sky is in fact red.
The world is full of hard realities that we cannot change. Gravity is an unrelenting force that humans ignore at their own risk. Biology is the same.
No person has ever changed their DNA from male to female or back again. We should be teaching trans children to accept their true self, their biological self, instead of forcing their peers to accept an identity that doesn’t match reality.
When speaking the truth is punished at schools they are no longer providing education only indoctrination and children are no longer allowed to trust their senses, parents or basic common sense, it is now the school system who gets to define reality.
The core purpose of education is to instruct children with valuable truth. When education deviates away from that role it becomes, at best, a parasitic waste of time, and at worst a toxic wasteland that destroys the minds of children.
Fairfax schools and many others have lost all their value, since it’s better to be an illiterate society than to lose all reference of basic fundamental truths.
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